Frequently Asked Questions
Zeewa-FAQ, so our collection of answers to frequently asked questions regarding ”waste hunting”.
In this so-called Zeewa-FAQ, we have collected questions that are very often asked by our readers, volunteers. The list of questions remains open for enlargement, meaning that you are welcome to send us your questions in connection with our site and its functioning anytime by clicking here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does ”Zeewa” mean?
“Zeewa” is an acronym consisting of the words zero emission and waste management. An acronym whose meaning indicates what we stand up for. Namely, for the reduction of the quantity of waste produced, as well as for a cleaner environment.
What is all about? How can you make actions in order to clear illegal waste-dumping sites? set itself the objective of mobilizing people to join forces and act in order to provide the coming generations with a cleaner and healthier environment. We are doing this independently from any individual or political interest. All the incoming reports about illegal landfills we receive are made public in our channels, platforms and forwarded to the responsible bodies.
What is zeewa-token?
The zeewa-token (ZWA) is a virtual currency created to reward waste hunters. Zeewa-tokens do not use an own block chain but an already existing one which in our case is the Ethereum-chain. Tokens are issued based on incoming donations.
How can I make a report? What possibilities do I have for that?
Reports can be made in two different ways: 1, using the reporting feature on; 2, with the help of our Wastehunter by Zeewa application developed for smart phones.
How soon will my report be dealt with? Which factors does it depend on?
The reports submitted to the website are forwarded to the responsible local authorities. This process definitely contributes to a more effective clearing of illegal landfills, since in most cases the local authorities are not even informed about the existing problem in their area. According to our experiences we have gained in the past years, we can say that solving a report may take a processing time of 2-3 days. However, there were also cases when reports were solved within 1 day after they were actually made.
What is smart contract and why do you use it?
Smart contract is a special procedure that targets, controls or executes the negotiation and performance of the contract using block chain technology. It allows you to execute trustworthy, authentical transactions without the involvement of a third party. The transactions are transparent, traceable and irreversible. They contain the terms of the contract and are executed automatically. In the waste hunter interface, users have the option to create a smart contract when creating an event. The users may support the work of our volunteers by conducting a smart contract, as it allows us to avoid extra administrative work and spare us lots of time.
Do you remove the waste yourself?
The waste is not collected and transported by the team but by the responsible local authorities, as long as the illegal waste is situated in a public space, of course. If it is in a private are however, the owner of the land will be officially warned to clear it by referring to his/her duty to them to respect the relevant single laws.

Wastehunter by Zeewa, for a cleaner environment
Do you take legal actions in the fight against illegal waste dumbing?
In any case, we rely on the relevant laws and inform all the competent authorities.
Do the local authorities support your activity? How do you support their work?
Since the launch of the forerunner website,, we have gained very positive experience with the local authorities. This is also reflected by the significant number of reported illegal landfills we have cleared.
In more serious cases or upon request of the notifying parties, do you go and visit the reported sites in person?
In cases of extreme-highly polluted areas, we do carry out on-the-spot checks, meaning that we visit the site and assess the problem in person.
Can only places located in Budapest be reported or do you process cases nationwide?
We operate not only locally but at national level, too. We have received reports from every part of the country so far, even from the most hidden settlements. The reports can be accessed by clicking here.
Is it possible to join you as a volunteer in the team?
Of course! Everybody is very welcome to join us who wants to do something not only for the environment but also for their neighborhood’s cleanness.
Do you cooperate with similar civil initiatives?
Official cooperation agreement written down on paper we only have with Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation on the developing of the website. However, we have worked together multiple times with different organizations.
How can I support your work through donation?
The donation option on the website allows you to support our work and contribute to success of our activity. The page is available by clicking here.
Are you present on the internet and on social media sites? How can I find you there?
We are very active on social media. The number of the posts of our sister-sites on the most popular social media site, Facebook reaches 3-7 daily. Our average Facebook reach is between 100 000 and 200 000. The Facebook-page of our website counts more than 14 000 followers (without ads). Apart from this, we have a Facebook-group that comprises our waste hunters. You can access the Facebook page by clicking here and the group by here. is present on Facebook! Please find our page here and our Instagram page here.
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