Firms, companies, attention! – We need you help!

The renewed system of Wastehunter gives help also to firms and companies – besides residents and local governments– to create a clear environment.

Our environmental organism called JÖN Foundation is regularly organizing waste collecting events for firms and companies, where education of employees is also available.

At the end of 2018 we organized such waste collecting events in 7 premises together with FGSZ Zrt.

Now, our organism offers new opportunity to companies.

Profit orientated companies are also able to register in the system of Wastehunter by Zeewa, where companies:

  • can become waste hunters as companies
  • or can be a leader of waste collecting actions
  • can support waste collecting events organized by others
  • and all company events will be showed in the new system.

Companies can create their own profile in the system of Zeewa and with this automatically will be created their virtual wallet as well. Here, they can upload funds for their own events or for events which were organized by others, but they wish to support. There is also the possibility to support our environmental ambassadors in the menu of patrons.

Firms, companies, attention!

We hope that the renewed system of Wastehunter by Zeewa will attract the attention of firms and companies, as our common goal is a clean environment!