Be a patron! – We can’t succeed without you!
“Patron” by the meaning is a supporter. Could you imagine yourself in such role? The system of Wastehunter by Zeewa gives you the opportunity for this, too.
Every year more and more people care about our environment and the fate of our common future.
Would you like to help but don’t have time? – We know the answer, it’s a familiar situation! We know your situation, but already have an answer for the problem! – the editor.
The new system – which has started on 10. January 2020 – gives the opportunity for you to support those environmental ambassadors who set example and motivates everyday people with their own daily activities and lifestyle in order to protect our environment and society.

Be a patron! – We can’t succeed without you!
Once you become a patron, you can help our ambassadors to achieve their extraordinary goals: organizing our events and realizing further activities.
You can support the individual work of the members and the ambassadors of JÖN Alapítvány in the menu of Patrons of Wastehunter by Zeewa.
Zeewa ambassadors:
- Péter Szebenyi;
- Balázs Kertész;
- Párdy Bence, the rescuer of Tisza;
- Jóni Máté, K-1 World Champion;
- Markó-Valentyik Anna Junior Prima award Hungarian actress;
- Zathureczky Zsolt, MMA fighter;
- Pataki Fanni, double ISF swimming world cup winner;
- and many others!
Many people, even hundreds or thousands follows and listens to these people. They are frequently seen on different media platforms, leading different events or showing extraordinary performance in different communities.
What are the advantages of being a patron?
- A Patron supports the protection of the environment,
- Gets invitations to performances of the supported ambassadors,
- Gets invitations of our community events,
- Or can meet with them in different forums for a nice talk.
Be a patron!
For further details visit Zeewa, where you can get to know the ever-expanding community of our environmental ambassadors!